Articles published in the Revista Uruguaya de Psicoanálisis (RUP) must meet the following requirements:
- they must deal with a psychoanalytic subject or be of special interest for psychoanalysis;
- they must be original articles, unpublished in Spanish, and will be sent for anonymous peer review by the Reading Committee and external reviewers.
1. Submitting the articles
Two files should be sent to the following address:
The first one should include the full article with its title and a pseudonym of the author.
The second one should include, apart from the full article, information about the author: full name, academic qualification, institution, society or study group and electronic address.
Text: the paper should not exceed 42.000characters, bibliography included, in Times Roman 12.
Abstract: in Spanish, not exceeding 200 characters.
When submitting his paper, the author must sign an authorization form by means of which:
- he/she grants free and not exclusive rights for public communication, reproduction, edition, distribution and any other action which can be necessary for the publication of the article in the RUP and/or on the web on paper or electronic format under Creative Commons licensing, in its Non-Commercial Share Alike mode, which implies that the article cannot be modified or used with a commercial purpose;
- he/she states and guarantees that the article has not been simultaneously sent to another publication; that the rights have not been granted in an exclusive form before and that the publication in the RUP will not violate or infringe any rights of third parties;
- he/she assumes full responsibility for the authorship of the article submitted for publication.
2. Format and style
Quotations included in the article should be followed by information on: author, year of publication and number of the page, between brackets. Information on the edition of the text quoted will be included in the bibliography.
Footnotes will be reserved for comments by the writer, keeping them as indispensable and brief as possible.
Bibliography should be included at the end of the article. It will only include the texts used and mainly those mentioned in the article, in alphabetical order. Work by the same author will be included in chronological order, adding the letters a,b,c, in the case of work published in the same year.
If an author is cited more than once in the bibliography, his name will not be repeated. A dash will be included instead, followed by full information on the book or article.
a. Books
Surname of the author/s in capital letters, followed by the initials of the first name; full title of the book in italics; publication; city where published; publisher; date. If the book is published by an institution, it is considered as the author.
a1. Chapter of a book
Name of the author and title of the chapter. “In:” author of the book, title of the book in italics, publishing information, pages of the article.
b. Papers presented in congresses, conferences, etc.
Author or authors in capital letters; title of the paper. “In:” name (and number if required) of the congress; venue; date; place of publication; volume if necessary, number of pages of the paper.
c. Articles from journals
Full name of author. Title of the article. “In:” name of publication serried in italics, volume (and number), year and number of pages of the article.
d. Work included in the complete works of an author
FRED,S Puntualizaciones sobre el amor de transferencia (1915). En: O.C. Tomo XII, buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1980.
When submitting the paper, the author accepts that:
- The article may not be accepted for publication.
- Once accepted by the Reading Committee, it will decide in which number of the RUP it will be included.
- The Reading Committee is not expected to offer oral or written feedback on the articles submitted.
- Neither supplements nor journals will be sent to the authors of articles.
- The authors take full responsibility for the ideas expressed in the articles, which do not compromise the opinion of the Editorial Committee of the RUP.